I often wonder if there is a specific purpose that we have in our lives. If there is, I am not sure what my purpose is, but I envy those who do!
To understand what I am writing about you first need to know a little about me! Not much to tell...I am an educated middle aged man with a diverse background in finance, accounting, information systems, and merchandising who enjoys learning new skills and meeting new people. In short, I am Jason Bourne!!
I have one of the greatest jobs in the world, but even a guy with a great job can have a tough day. My job is about relationships, understanding how people and companies work, and figuring out the best ways to leverage this knowledge to buy merchandise! OK, when worded like that it does not sound that exciting, but you will just need to trust me on this one! The job is a game of accomplishing objectives while at the same time dealing with people and obstacles who stand in the way. The truth is that things could be a lot more simple, but if it were simple, they would not need someone like me to do it.
Funny thing about where I work is that you are supposed to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can while retaining that knowledge. However, when you are really good at learning and retaining knowledge you will often hit a glass ceiling because you will find yourself in interviews, conversations, and evaluations where people on the other end of a table find themselves incapable of understanding how any one person could learn so much! WHAT? So you spend your career learning as much as you can and now you are labeled, without merit or cause, of not being able to know what you know simply because the person on the other side of the table lacks the mental fortitude to understand that there are people in this world who are actually smarter than they are!
So how would Jason Bourne handle this situation? Well, for starters he would probably not spend any longer than ten minutes talking with someone who knew less than he did, and since he can't even remember his own name the person on the other end of the table in this scenario would know less than that. Also, Jason Bourne would likely perform some martial arts followed by a couple of broken limbs because he cannot tolerate people who stand in his way, even though he does have a good heart! It is sometimes difficult to confront people like this, but at the end of the day your sanity will eventually require action, what kind of action is up to you, but let's be reasonable.
There will always be people in this world who want to help you out, stand in your way, or ride on the waves you make. If you are intelligent then take a careful and calculated look at the world you work in and live in and make a decision on how you can move forward. It is not easy to change and it is even harder to jump into dark and uncharted waters but that may end up being the only place you can find the fulfilling clarity you need to see your purpose in this life or at least find happiness. Unfortunately there are some of us who will struggle to find this happiness but don't give up on that fight. I don't know if Jason Bourne ever found happiness but I am sure he had a sense of fulfillment.
I want that sense of fulfillment and I want my family and friends to know it too. I am not sure what action I am going to take to achieve it but it is exciting the think about the prospect of starting something on my own. There are many ideas I have that are at arms reach and all I need to do is take those ideas and act. Afterall, the worst thing that could happen is that I will fail. I am going to become a pirate, sail the uncharted waters and maybe I will find some treasure along the way!